Saturday, 29 October 2016

Simple Basic Ayurveda Tips for Good Health

Most of us wish for long life, good health and happiness, right? Well, who doesn't want to live long and be with his loved ones always? Who doesn't like to have a good health, stay younger looking, and avoid illnesses? Who doesn't long for supreme happiness in life? Everyone wants and longs for these things. However, do you think you are doing the necessary steps for long life, good health and happiness? People want these things but they seldom take actions to achieve them. Say for example, you are aiming for a good health; do you follow the experts' advice? Do you avoid things that are damaging to your health and do the ones that are beneficial? Following health promoting proven Ayurveda tips are from ancient wisdom that can get you started on a path to long healthy life and happiness.

When you wake up in the morning, drink a glass of warm water. This is to clear the body system, flush out toxins that accumulated during the night and bring up the metabolism rate.

One of the most important Ayurveda tips is to know your body constitution and eat the right foods suitable for your body constitution. People have different and unique body constitution or body type and there are right foods to take for each unique body type. Foods should be your number one healer and eating the right foods according to your body type will make your health balanced.

Ayurveda tips suggest eating is ritual for producing health in the body. This does not mean eating food all the time but this means that you should be mindful of your eating. When you eat, savor every bite and every spoonful. Connect your body and Mind Body Exercise when you are enjoying your food and disconnect from the outer distractions like television or the Internet. Studies show that when you are distracted while eating, you gain more weight. Relax and enjoy the food to fully absorb its nutrients.

Eat meals at least four to five hours apart. If you can make it possible, eat one meal of the day with your friends or family. Also, after eating, the stomach should only be half full with solid food, one-fourth should contain liquid, and the other one-fourth should be empty with air.

Ayurveda tips also suggest drinking little water with your meals. It is advisable to wait for about 45 minutes before drinking water after a meal. Cold water can slow the digestion and can even cause indigestion. So do not drink iced or cold drinks before, during and after a meal.

At least once a week, do oleation or massaging your body with essential oils. Apply the oil, usually sesame oil, on the body and massage it. Leave it on for 25 minutes before taking shower. This procedure can slow down the aging of the body and supply the body with nourishment. Sesame oil which can be bought in grocery stores should be organic and cold pressed.

One of the best Ayurveda tips is exercise. Do aerobics or yoga and pursue a sport. Form a daily routine and make sure you follow it. These are the fundamental Ayurveda tips beneficial for a health body. With implementing these tips, you can surely put yourself on a path to have happy, healthy, and long life.

Thank you for your time & attention to this subject. Please read more and share with your friends the Ten Simple Ayurveda Tips for Life Long Health benefits awareness


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