Saturday, 29 October 2016

Simple Basic Ayurveda Tips for Good Health

Most of us wish for long life, good health and happiness, right? Well, who doesn't want to live long and be with his loved ones always? Who doesn't like to have a good health, stay younger looking, and avoid illnesses? Who doesn't long for supreme happiness in life? Everyone wants and longs for these things. However, do you think you are doing the necessary steps for long life, good health and happiness? People want these things but they seldom take actions to achieve them. Say for example, you are aiming for a good health; do you follow the experts' advice? Do you avoid things that are damaging to your health and do the ones that are beneficial? Following health promoting proven Ayurveda tips are from ancient wisdom that can get you started on a path to long healthy life and happiness.

When you wake up in the morning, drink a glass of warm water. This is to clear the body system, flush out toxins that accumulated during the night and bring up the metabolism rate.

One of the most important Ayurveda tips is to know your body constitution and eat the right foods suitable for your body constitution. People have different and unique body constitution or body type and there are right foods to take for each unique body type. Foods should be your number one healer and eating the right foods according to your body type will make your health balanced.

Ayurveda tips suggest eating is ritual for producing health in the body. This does not mean eating food all the time but this means that you should be mindful of your eating. When you eat, savor every bite and every spoonful. Connect your body and Mind Body Exercise when you are enjoying your food and disconnect from the outer distractions like television or the Internet. Studies show that when you are distracted while eating, you gain more weight. Relax and enjoy the food to fully absorb its nutrients.

Eat meals at least four to five hours apart. If you can make it possible, eat one meal of the day with your friends or family. Also, after eating, the stomach should only be half full with solid food, one-fourth should contain liquid, and the other one-fourth should be empty with air.

Ayurveda tips also suggest drinking little water with your meals. It is advisable to wait for about 45 minutes before drinking water after a meal. Cold water can slow the digestion and can even cause indigestion. So do not drink iced or cold drinks before, during and after a meal.

At least once a week, do oleation or massaging your body with essential oils. Apply the oil, usually sesame oil, on the body and massage it. Leave it on for 25 minutes before taking shower. This procedure can slow down the aging of the body and supply the body with nourishment. Sesame oil which can be bought in grocery stores should be organic and cold pressed.

One of the best Ayurveda tips is exercise. Do aerobics or yoga and pursue a sport. Form a daily routine and make sure you follow it. These are the fundamental Ayurveda tips beneficial for a health body. With implementing these tips, you can surely put yourself on a path to have happy, healthy, and long life.

Thank you for your time & attention to this subject. Please read more and share with your friends the Ten Simple Ayurveda Tips for Life Long Health benefits awareness


Tuesday, 25 October 2016

5 Meditation Tips Proven to Deepen Your Meditation

The first meditation tip is to not eat or drink anything besides water for at least an hour and a half prior to meditation. The reason for this is for one, the body will be busy digesting your food making it much harder for it to relax. Second, because meditation is awakening the subtle energy (also known as Kundalini Shakti or Chi), and for this to happen, you want to keep your physical body as light and clear as possible.

The second meditation tip is to practice a breathing technique for a few minutes just before you meditate. It can be as simply as breathing in and out as fast as you can through your nose for 100 breaths, breathing shallow breaths in and out of your chest. Or you can breathe deeply counting to four on the inhale, hold the breath while counting to 4 and exhaling counting to eight.

Purifying the breath through prana exercises like this is very important if you want to go deep in meditation and attain self realization. So using a prana-breathing technique like this can awaken you into a deep meditation very quickly. Do either of these breathing techniques above for just a few minutes and you will see that meditation pretty much naturally happens after that.

The third meditation tip is to drop all expectations about what you will get out of your meditation. Don't expect anything from your meditation.

It is important to understand that your natural state is already unconditional peace, love and freedom. It is not something you acquire; it is something you realize you are, something you awaken to. And you awaken to your natural state through relaxing into this moment to the point where you are one with it. You ease into this moment.

But if you are expecting something out of your meditation, you are separating yourself from this moment; you are actually separating yourself from the bliss and peace you are seeking in the first place. You are already putting conditions on how this moment should be and this only leads to frustration.

So take note of this meditation tip because nothing ruins meditation more than expecting that you are going to get a certain something out of it. Meditation knows what to do; it is something you have to allow to happen naturally.

The fourth Meditation Tips is to fully allow this moment to be as it is, but at the same time give your complete attention to this moment. You want to be completely at ease, but you also want to be completely attentive. Often one may associate relaxation with just letting yourself wander about in your thinking, but in meditation, there must be the focus on this moment. To allow thinking to be as it is, but to be aware of it. To remain present.

But at the same time, you do not want this focus on being present to be about controlling this moment. We don't want to control our thoughts, we don't want to control our feelings, we just want to be aware of them. We want to allow them to be completely in full hands off relaxation, but we want to be watchful of them, fully aware of this moment.

The fifth meditation tip will improve your meditation a thousand fold. And the meditation tip is to take full advantage of Kundalini Shakti.

What is Kundalini Shakti? In the terms we are using it here it means the energy vibration one naturally radiates when they have attained full enlightenment. When you sit with a fully enlightened being whose Kundalini is fully awakened, this enlightened energy called Kundalini Shakti is awakened in you, and this effortlessly awakens you into deep meditation.

Just by sitting in the presence of a fully enlightened Guru, you can experience profound states of meditation within minutes that you may not have been able to experience after sixty years of practice on your own.

Often you can instantly feel incredible states of peace, bliss and love, without having to practice any meditation technique at all. Meditation naturally happens when you sit with such an enlightened being.

Because of new breakthroughs in sound recording, you can also receive this same Kundalini Shakti by listening to a very unique CD. Just by listening to meditation music which emits Kundalini Shakti, you will experience incredible states of meditation and bliss. Without the help of Kundalini Shakti, meditation can be a very frustrating experience.


Saturday, 22 October 2016

Free Guided Meditations - And Stillness Is the Way!

Free Guided Meditations can be easy meditation techniques and a healing process!

Several days of guided meditations is what I did a few years ago when undergoing a particularly stressful time. Taking the time to actually do the meditation exercises, not just reading them and going on (as one does) to the next paragraph. Mind you, I was very motivated and really wanted to experience the feeling of relief from the pressure I was under.

One starting point of a process was to get to remain in the present by feeling one's body from the inside and staying in touch with the body's sensations and staying with this to dive deep into its stillness - which can only be done in the present!

It did work wonders as when I started I was pretty depressed but at the end of several days I felt relieved and had learned a method by actually doing it!

Of course I had to carry on practicing it, but being guided inside and getting more and more details to clarify and deepen the process, the consciousness of being that, can be conveyed just by reading or listening to a Master, was very powerful.

The main point of Free Guided Meditation is to transform the stress we're under, the turmoil of our incessant mind, into (well) being and these meditations do relieve stress and more, for certain. The process is usually of taking one into the stillness of our inner space, into our own being. These passive and relaxing methods are very adapted as exercises for seniors.

Now, what better transformation than this than when one arrives at over fifty years of age and have the relative slowed-down pace to go further in this process.

One has to invest time for the process to happen - but the motivation to relieve stress in order to enjoy peace and healing oneself is usually enough and well worth it!


Friday, 7 October 2016

Useful Meditation Techniques to Meditate Properly

Meditation for those who are just learning about it can be quite complex particularly with the fact that it needs great focus and focus. In spite of the challenge that it may pose to newbies of meditation, still, lots of people decide to learn about it and give it a shot because the advantages that it provides may not be declined. The good thing is, techniques about how you can learn how to do it and do it properly which is by using meditation techniques.

Making use of Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are actually among the most effective ways to know how to meditate. This technique is actually basic that anyone can use it. Nevertheless as easy as it may seem to be, it should take an individual to place total mental concentration on his / her breathing. To get this done, you have to put your attention to your breathing while you inhale and exhale. Place your thoughts on your breathing. Try to feel and think about the air getting into the body since the good energy as well as the air that you breathe out as the negative energy leaving your body. If while carrying this out your thinking abruptly flutters around, gradually restore your concentration to your breathing.

Doing this on a regular basis can significantly aid you in mastering this kind of approach. It would help in case you could do this for five up to 10 minutes every day or whenever you feel drained and stressed out that will help you release that stress and stress accumulating inside your body. Over the years, it will be possible to notice how it feels much easier when you're able to master this technique and from there you are able to advance in meditation.

Getting help from Guided Meditation

If you feel that the breathing exercise is not nearly relaxing from you, you can always get help from a specialist you and this method can be known as guided meditation. This is usually together with music that is usually sounds of instruments or sounds of nature as well as the beat are slow and calming. It can be done with a person guiding you through your thoughts as the procedure for meditation starts. But in many instances, it understands how to handle it if you meditate.

Doing Zen Meditation

Zen Guided Meditation has been said to be the "study of the self". To do this kind of meditation techniques, it could be a smart idea to start off in a sitting position which can be termed as the Burmese position. When being seated, be sure you keep your back straight as a way to facilitate deep breathing very easily. Deep breathing isn't just a great help to having the ability to meditate effectively but it also has many benefits to present such as permitting more oxygen to enter the body and help the body re-energize and cleanse your system.

These are merely a number of the many other mindful meditation techniques out there. Don't just restrict your knowledge on meditation to these techniques because there are more that you could find out about. By doing this, it is possible to pick which one you are most comfortable with and also reap the benefits out of meditating properly.


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

How to Use Guided Meditations to Battle Stress and Depression

Guided meditations are an incredible tool for anyone who meditates.

Whether you are new to meditation or have been meditating for years, you should most certainly know the power and benefits you can gain from following a guided meditation.

As you learn more techniques to bring yourself into a meditative state you will probably want to start using guided meditations. A guided meditation is an exercise that is perfect in relieving the daily stress you are facing by simply learning how to concentrate and focus long enough to get a few minutes of peaceful relaxation.

The Effects of Guided Meditations

You will feel a sense of calmness overcome you and it will make the rest of your day go smoother. Following a Guided meditation only take a few minutes and they can easily be done after you have enjoyed your lunch and before heading back into the daily grind. It is a proven method of bringing the world back into order and making you feel less stressed by the things going on around you.

Psychologists Recommend Using Guided Meditations

Guided Meditation have been so successful in helping people through stressful situations that many physicians have actually prescribed these exercises to patients who suffer from anxiety attacks and depression from being under such overwhelming stress and a sense of hopelessness. They are also extremely helpful for increasing self-awareness, self-love, and self-confidence.

Meditating makes it much easier for you to cope with the stresses that daily life may throw at you. They have proven to be so powerful that many mental health patients have been able to go off of their medications and move on to being more productive members of society in every aspect of their lives by following a guided meditation on a daily and regular basis.

There is no doubt that any style of meditation is a helpful form of treatment for the body and the mind. This is why I created The Big List of Guided Meditations, the largest list of Free Guided Meditations in audio and video format online.

When a person is dealing with their everyday mind, they are distracted by things as mundane as their pets to the more stressful aspects of their professional working career. A person cannot relax or maintain an even keel so to speak when the mind is in this much turmoil. The stress continues to build until the mind finally shuts down due to overwhelming exhaustion. A mind that is concentrated is more centered and focused but it is still dealing with the distractions of everyday life. It makes it hard for a person to be able to meditate without going back to the distractions that were plaguing them in the first place.


Monday, 3 October 2016

Top 10 Best Yoga Poses For Meditation

One of the main factors that have made yoga so incredibly popular is the flexibility of its routine. Sure, endorsements from Hollywood celebs like Madonna, Jennifer Aniston, and Miranda Kerr helped a great deal, but it's the flexibility of routine which have sustained the popularity of this ancient Indian practice. You can now do yoga positions, but when you're serious about the craft, you'd know that it's the perfect combination of different yoga poses which will really get you the optimal physical and spiritual results. Listed here are the 10 best yoga poses for ladies that will get results when utilized in right combinations.
Child's Pose

The Child's Pose is among the basic yoga poses that's easily incorporated into any routine, and it is known to open the hips as well as reducing tightness on the lower back. To complete the Child's Pose, kneel on the floor together with your knees hip-width apart and your feet together so the big toes are touching. Take a seat on your heels and bend forward, together with your torso right in between your thighs as well as your forehead touching the mat. Extend your arms too deep with your palms lying flat on the ground. Stay in this position while inhaling and out.

Moving Cat Cow

To complete the Moving Cat Cow Pose, begin all fours with your back straight, your arms vertical for your shoulders, and your knees and thighs perpendicular towards the floor. Inhale and gently lift up your head forward and toward the ceiling, developing a curve along your back and keep your shoulders down and from the ears. As you exhale, perform the reverse and pull your face inward so you are gazing at the navel and creating an upward curve lying on your back.

Spinal Flex Pose

The Spinal Flex Pose is a great way to start a yoga session due to its simplicity and to help you find a stable pace for breathing. To get this done, sit on the floor with your legs apart and folded so the soles are touching. Enable your arms relax onto your lap, or cradle feet with your hands put together. Inhale deeply, letting your chest lift forward or more. Then exhale and round shoulders, and let your chin slowly drop forward while you breathe out. Do this a couple times, gradually upping your pace and breathing.

Downward Facing Dog

The Downward Facing Dog increases blood flow and strengthens the upper body. Additionally, it works to stretch the hamstrings, calves, glutes, and also the spine. To do this pose, begin all fours with your feet and knees apart, after which lift your knees above the floor together with your legs stretched straight. Bend the knees a little if you experience an excessive amount of tension on your hamstrings. You can also walk both hands and feet further apart before you get enough length for that pose. Inhale deeply and exhale while keeping this pose.

Fierce Pose

The Fierce Pose is really a standing position that stretches the spine, and strengthens the ankles, knees, and back. To get this done pose, first stand together with your feet at a hip-width distance from one another. Then as you lift your arms together with your palms facing each other, bend the knees and squat as if lowering yourself onto a chair. Make certain your knees do not bend past your toes, and your back as straight as you possibly can, with all your weight resting on the soles of the feet. Hold this pose while you inhale and exhale.

Plank Pose

The Plank Pose is often done right after the Downward Facing Dog. It's among the simple yet effective yoga positions that can help improve upper body strength. It really works the major muscles in the arms, back, and shoulders. To complete the Plank Pose in the Downward Facing Dog, bring your chest forward so you are in a push-up position, unwanted weight supported by your arms as well as your feet. Make sure the soles of the feet are lifted up and running, and your body forms an upright line from the top of your face down to your back and legs.

Tree Pose

The Tree Pose is a great one of how yoga is as meditational because it is physical. It's one of the yoga positions which help calm the mind and create an inner center or focus, while strengthening your legs and spine and stretches the hips. To get this done pose, start with your feet apart and on the job your hips. Then bend your right knee and put the sole of your left foot from the inside of the left leg. Keep the back straight and then bring both hands together with palms touching, as with a prayer pose.

Boat Pose

The Boat Pose is a great alternative for crunches and sit-ups since it works the abs and core without risking neck strain. To get this done pose, start by sitting together with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Slowly lean back and discover a good balance for your weight in your sit bones, then lift up your legs with knees bent and shins parallel towards the floor. Raise your arms parallel towards the floor with palms facing and stretch your legs so that they form a straight line. Make sure to keep your back straight, making use of your core muscles to carry the load of your legs then hold that position while you breathe in and out.

Garland Pose

The Garland Yoga And Meditation Pose works well in stretching the lower back and hips, and strengthening the ankles. Carrying this out position also helps relieve constipation and menstrual cramps. To complete the Garland Pose, stand together with your feet wide apart, toes slightly turned outward, and produce your hands together in a prayer pose. Enable your elbows press on the insides of the knees to open up the hips. Keep the back straight and hold this squatting position not less than minute as you inhale and exhale.

Half Lord From the Fishes

Doing the Half Lord from the Fishes pose is effective in strengthening your spine, increasing blood circulation, improving digestion, and stretching the rear, neck, hips, and shoulders. It's additionally a good way of relieving tension around the lower back. To do this pose, take a seat on the floor with your left leg outstretched as well as your right knee pointing for the ceiling and your right foot planted firmly on the ground on the outside of your left thigh. Then put your right hand on the floor behind your right hip and keep your back straight, and raise your left arm towards the ceiling. Inhale while holding it. As you exhale, bend your left arm, palm facing the wall, and put the elbow on the outside of your right knee.
